The Tutorial videos are quite popular with today’s youngsters. The growing demand for tutorial videos is quite evident with the fact that it has paved way for online which saving time and money and also helping people gain more knowledge just by sitting in one corner of the house.

Many have emerged as players with a large audience base. Some of the players are, Udemy, Byju’s, Unacademy who have surely become the few names that people have recommended world-wide without even giving a second thought.

Meanwhile, although Tutorials have become a huge craze, how have all these players emerged into one of the major players is what keeps your head scratching. We provide you some tips and tricks that will surely give you a success for making a proper tutorial video.

A Topic

A topic is the first thing that we need to really remember. Once you are done with the topic of the day, almost half your battle is won. The topic is what keeps your audience engaged. Mostly if your topic relates to the current affairs, then there are higher chances of you having better and more audience in the given time. Also, there are some topics which might have taken place in the past but still have a large audience currently.

The Quality of Content

The quality of content does play an important role. If you think that the tutorial is based on a current topic, then pack it up with more information with less time. Moreover, the information should be relevant and updated with current facts and figures with proper sources.

Choose the Flow of the Course

Once you have the content, the next is the flow of the content. A person must remember that you are making a tutorial video which should be innovative and also informative. Hence the flow plays a crucial role in the content. It must be in an inverted pyramid format. i.e. the most important information at the beginning and the least important at the end.

Pick an Appropriate Medium

Depending on your audience, you must know as to which or where to upload your Tutorial Video. It might be Website, Blog, Vlog, Podcast, Twitter or YouTube. It must be as per your audience and you’re convenience.

Video Editing: An Art and Science

Video Editing is the best thing that one can imagine while doing a tutorial video. Rather It is a bonus if you are well aware about the Video Editing. You yourself can match the content as per your needs as well as you also have a hold of timings where required.

Create a Qualitative Content

The quality of the video matters the most. Sometimes it can put the audience off if they find that the looks and feel of the video is not appealing. A simple tip to keep your audience engaged is to make them entertained along with providing information. Simple things like providing keywords, showing some pictures or videos are some of the best ideas that may be visually appealing.


The tutorial video must be action-oriented. While providing your audience with information, do not forget to engage your audience with a few questions, additional information and also a simple quiz that would yield better results for your video content.

Goal of your Video

Last but not least, the goal of the video should be not just to inform rather to inspire your audience, inform your audience, persuade your audience. You should be well clear with goal of your video.


Your video is your property; hence you must realise that your ultimate goals is to create the maximum impact in a short period of time possible. Tutorial Videos are the latest trends and making one is absolutely a chance and a challenge to make you a standing in the market.